There are many opinions about President Trump; some of youΒ  love and support him, and some of you detest him. Either way, a President should ALWAYS be protected, no matter what! This example was NOT the case. There is much blame to go around, replete with an ignorant amount of accountability on ALL sides. This hearing, though quite long to watch (over 4 hours), gives us insight into our political and federal security structure; I am NOT pleased to say, that this could have and should have been prevented, 100%. It was sloppy, not taken seriously, and almost on a childish level unimaginable! At one point, in Butler Pennsylvania, they actually on eyewitness accounts, that brought to their attention, that a person of interest was on the roof of a building with a gun! At this point, the Secret Service became the Secret Stooges! See for yourself if you have not watched this already. #trumpΒ 


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