On September 21, 1789, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bestowed to Levi Dungan Sr., a tract of land in Hanover Township, PA then known as “Bachelors Hall”. He then passed this land on to his son, Levi Jr., to whom in return bequeathed 70 acres to his daughter Ruth and her husband John Roberts; this is where Richard P Roberts would be raised and cultivate his childhood. Eventually, this land would pass on to his sister, Anna Maria Roberts and her husband Andrew Stevenson. Richard P. Roberts was born on June 5, 1820, on a seventy-acre farm near Frankfort Springs, PA.
In 1845 Richard Roberts moved to Beaver, PA to study law under the supervision of attorney N.P. Fetterman; he was admitted to the bar on March 15, 1848. On May 1, 1851, Roberts married Caroline Henry of Beaver, PA. She was the daughter of Thomas Henry (1781-1849) and Sarah H Henry.
Thomas and his older brother William settled in Beaver, PA in the early dawn of the 19th century. In 1811 Thomas received a patent from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a plot of land in Beaver, PA, lot 119. It was bordered by Fourth Street on the north, Turnpike Street on the south, Market Street on the east, and lot 120 (the Moore-Agnew house) towards the west. This would become the official residence of Thomas Henry and was called “The Mansion House”.

When Thomas Henry died in 1849, Richard and Caroline Roberts purchased the lot from Evan Henry, Caroline’s brother.
In 1857 Roberts brought into his office a young intern, Henry Hice, son of William Hice and Hannah Eachel of Hopewell Township, PA. When Mr. Hice completed his internship and became admitted to the bar in June of 1859, he formed a partnership with Richard Roberts which continued until Robert’s death; Mr. Hice would have a splendid career in Beaver County, first as a successful attorney, then as a judge of the Beaver County Court of Common Pleas.
In 1868 Hice purchased the Robertson property; it was torn down in 1876 and replaced with a large imposing Victorian mansion. The building can still be seen at 804 Turnpike Street and is the current residence of Reed, Tosh, McGregor, and Wolford law firm. Caroline Robertson succumbed to a lengthy illness and died on February 4, 1862. She was 31. Six months after the death of his wife, Richard Roberts enlisted in the United States Army. He quickly rose, because of his legal education perhaps, in rank; first as a Captain, then quickly to a Colonel which would empower him to take command of the 140th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment.
On August 13, 1862, an article appeared in the local newspaper of Beaver County which read as follows: “Being authorized to recruit a Company for three years or the war, the subscriber will receive recruits at his office in Beaver. All reporting themselves will be subsisted for 20 days, at least in Beaver”. (August 6, 1862: Richard P. Roberts) As a result of his tenacious efforts, three companies were formed consisting of 100 officers and men; numerous men from all parts of Beaver County volunteered their services. Three companies were as follows: Company F, commanded by Captain Richard P. Roberts, Company H, commanded by Captain Marcus Ormond, and Company I, commanded by Captain James Darrah.
On December 20, 1862, at Falmouth Virginia, the 140th Pennsylvania joined the Army of the Potomac and saw its first action at the Battle of Chancellorsville the following May; after the battle, Col. Roberts requested a medical leave and returned home to Beaver, PA. He subsequently rejoined his regiment on June 27, 1863.

However, on November 6, 1862, Captain David Acheson, had strong feelings of resentment towards Col. Roberts; as well as another complaint by Capt. Acheson to his father… “I have a growing dislike to our Col. Roberts. Nor am I alone in this. Six other Captains besides myself detest him as cordially as I do. Roberts has been elevated too much by his promotion. He has treated all other Capts than those from Beaver County with cold indifference…Roberts is a fool and knows nothing about military affairs. I do think he made a great mistake when he entered upon a military career”.
In Roberts defense, however, a large portion of the officer corps during the Civil War were civilian soldiers. This meant that they had little or no military experience or training. As such they should not be, in almost all cases, held accountable for any ineptitude regarding military actions.
On February 4, 1863, Col. Roberts drafted yet another letter requesting a leave of absence for the following reasons:
Captain John Hancock
A.H. General, First Division
2nd Army Corp.
“I respectfully ask leave of absence for fifteen days for the following reason. On the first of September last, a time when troops were greatly needed, I suddenly left my home and received commission with the army, leaving a large profession/legal and private business in an unattended condition, being also trustee for large estates and interest. My personal attention is necessary to save myself and others from pecuniary loses. I desire to visit an aged parent who I am informed cannot long survive. My place of residence is in the extreme southwestern corner of Pennsylvania, but the transaction of business will necessarily require me to visit the state of Ohio. There are no field officers absent from the regiment.”
140th Vol.

3rd Brigade
Between his personal life and medical leaves, Col. Roberts was often attacked and ridiculed for his shortcomings as a commander. However, there is nothing in his military record that shows any disciplinary actions or serious doubt of his overall performance as head of the PA, 140th. His final medical request was granted on June 22, 1863.
From his early correspondence, it was very evident that Roberts was a pious Republican and fearless advocate for the Lincoln administration. On March 11,1861, Roberts expressed his zealous political sentiments to a friend in Europe:
“I love my country, am the descendant of Revolutionary Sires, and am willing to contribute in my small way to maintain its honor, its integrity and its glorious flag, but I have to stand by and see it trailed in the dust by its enemies. I believe there is a God who presides over the destinies of Nations and of Men, who will, as he has heretofore done, preserve the nation and punish both here and hereafter the men who have labored to destroy it. I have passed a Winter of anguish by day and night, seeing the glorious fabric my fathers helped to rear, tumbling to pieces around me, with the imps of hell all over it with their sacrilegious hands speeding their work. Oh God! I invoke the wrath upon the enemies and destroyers of my country, in the name of the heroes who cemented the fabric, my own ancestors among them the number I invoke it!” (As one can read, from this pristine excerpt from a personal letter of his, Col. Roberts was an eloquent and impetuous writer.)

A mass meeting, called “The Peoples Meeting”, was held in Beaver, PA on February 4, 1861. Both Democrats and Republicans spoke their minds concerning the national crisis and what proper action would be taken to best represent Beaver County. As a result of this meeting, it elected officers who then appointed a committee on resolutions, which included Roberts, to implement a zealous goal for the preservation of the Union. After the failed Peninsula campaign, President Lincoln requested the states to furnish him with 300,000 men to the war effort. Within 3 weeks, Governor Andrew Curtain, of Pennsylvania, authorized the immediate establishment of 21 new regiments of volunteer infantry. Roberts, however, did not wait for Gov. Curtain to make the official announcement; as soon as Lincoln made the call, Roberts contacted Curtain to obtain permission to recruit a regiment in Beaver County.
For a time afterward, he personally recruited in Beaver County: one such incident is mentioned in the diary of Joseph Moody, who was signed by Roberts.
“Monday, July 18, 1862, in the Presbyterian Church at Hookstown there was a meeting held and presided over by Rev.R.S.Morton()Pastor for the purpose of raising a ()to form a regiment Col. R.P.Roberts, Rev Marcus Ormond and R.S.Morton, spoke about 75 men signed their names the next night there was a meeting held at Frankfort where 25 Signed which was called Roberts 2nd Co including the “Hookstown Boys.” 1
Robert’s passion and dedication for the preservation of the Union was quite extensive. He would deliver anything in his power to maintain this purpose, even if it required him to orphan his only living daughter. As commander of the 140th Pennsylvania, it is without question that he was the most honorable gentleman for the job. No man in the regiment instituted more favorable and practical actions to construct a program solely for the citizens of Beaver and neighboring counties.
Col. Richard P. Roberts was killed in action on July 2, 1863, at the Battle of Gettysburg. He is buried in the Beaver Cemetery in Beaver, Pennsylvania.
Here is a video I made a year ago that shows where Col. Roberts is laid to rest along with narration of his involvement at the Battle of Gettysburg.

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